Location: United States

Thursday, June 21, 2007


~Denny finally figured out a way to keep the blarring sun off us while we relax on the deck this summer!


~We also finally got around to planting the small Evergreens in containers that I had been wanting for years!


~They are slow-growing Evergreens so hopefully it will take many years for them to outgrow the containers. I can't wait to decorate them with lights and birds for Christmas this year!!!
~I love my "Buddha" statue!! He keeps watch over the deck and sometimes I will pick a flower to lay in his palm for gratitude.


~Denny enjoying a swim on a very warm day! Abby thinks if she gives him a kiss that he 'might' just let her get in too...NOT! Haha!


~Me enjoying a "Beach Bum Blonde Ale" floating in the pool! Hey, what can I say? It's summertime and the raft makes a perfect bottle cooler! HA!

abby drinking beer

~Yes, Abby absolutely LOVES the taste {and smell!} of beer!...And sometimes we will let her have the last couple of drops......

abby wearing sunglasses

~But sometimes she drinks a little too much and begins to think she really IS a human afterall!...."I'm a ROCKSTAR, Baby!"....Hehe!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Exploring The Oak Grove Side Of Devol's Dam


*Denny and the Blazer after we carefully navigated the rocky path down to the river!*


*A view of Devol's Dam from the Oak Grove side.*


*Denny and I standing in the river! Hehe!*


*I am definitely at my happiest whenever there is water around! You cannot keep me away!*


*Exploring the huge piles of driftwood, looking for something interesting to take home.*


*We really liked this one but it was way too big to take home with us! We thought it kind of looked like a wooden volcano!*

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

"A Dog's Hope"



Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world
is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of mine.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand
between blows, your patience and understanding will more
quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music,
as you must know, by the fierce wagging of my tail when the sound
of your foot steps fall upon my waiting ear.

Please take me inside when it is cold and wet,
for I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet.
Keep my pan filled with water, for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.
Feed me clean food that I may stay well,
to romp and play and do your bidding to walk by your side
and stand ready, willing, and able to
protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.

And, my friend, when I am very old and no longer enjoy good health, hearing,
and sight, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going.
I shall leave this earth knowing with the last breath that I draw
that my fate was always safest in your hands...

I will always be your BEST FRIEND!!!

Love Always,
Abigail Zoe Sacred Hart {9-Years Old}

Reflections On The Enevidible Changes In Life....

Picture 1

It is enevidible......

One day you wake up and you do not recognise yourself at all......

But...when you look real closely at your eyes in the mirror you will see a glimpse of what you used to be...


Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children. ~George Bernard Shaw
Age is opportunity no less,
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away,
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Morituri Salutamus

When I can look Life in the eyes,
Grown calm and very coldly wise,
Life will have given me the Truth,
And taken in exchange - my youth.
~Sara Teasdale

~There is one thing I have noticed during this last year with Misty away in college and that is the absense of "anything normal" in our lives. "Normal" as in the way it was for almost 20-years of devoting our lives almost solely to raising her and making sure she was happy, healthy and, most importantly, loved.

~Now she is the person in charge of most of those things...even though she still calls us daily with a question or to tell us of something wonderful that has happened.

~For me, it has been quite a struggle at times trying to find another "purpose" to take over the time that was once spent almost entirely on her.
Not to say that having more time to myself doesn't have it's 'perks' but I feel that I could be doing something more productive, more inspiring, and satisfying than the usual day to day stuff.

~I know I will find that "something" eventually! I seem to get pretty lucky in that area and it will more than likely just 'appear' one day and I will be thrown into it with all the enthusiasm of a Mother teaching her child her first words or a Brownie Leader taking her troop on a hike in the woods!
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. ~Henry David Thoreau