Location: United States

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

~In Memory Of Sammy~ 2-24-08 (9:04pm)


~I miss you...my little green fluff of feathers. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and wish you were still here with me.

~I pray that you are in a better place and have forgiven me for only doing what I felt best at the end and for not being able to give you the best life possible while you were alive until about the last 7-years...but they were a good last 7-years and I take some comfort in knowing that you (and I) were happy.

~Rest in peace my sweet boy! You will always be with me in memory and spirit!

Monday, February 09, 2009

*25-Random Things About Me!

1) I LOVE my coffee strong with a tsp each of sugar and Coffeemate!

2) I have always enjoyed being the only one awake in the house and still stay up until 3am often!

3) I love stargazing but still don't own a telescope!

4) I am a weather geek! (Thunderstorms excite me!)

5) I am double-jointed and can still do a split on good days!

6) Seeing a flock of Canadian Geese fly over honking like crazy makes me extremely happy!

7) My comfort foods are popcorn (salt, no butter), Coke floats and saltine crackers with a little butter on them! YUM!

8) My daughter is my hero and I often wish I could be more like her!

9) My husband is, and always has been my best friend!

10) I have really ugly, tiny feet and my toes are (almost) all the same size!

11) My hair is very long and I don't plan on getting it cut until my 50th birthday! (*About the same time I shall begin wearing purple as well! Hehe!)

12) I have always had a pet bird/parrot as far back as I can remember!

13) I don't "do" mornings and can never get up on time! Hence, I am usually late for anything I have planned!

14) I love making stuff with my hands and can look at just about anything in a magazine or online and copy it!

15) My dog's full name is "Abigail Zoe Sacred Hart"!

16) I collect old rosaries, Occupied Japan and anything parrot related!

17) I almost always have music playing and sing while I'm doing chores!

18) I am a pretty decent pool player!

19) I once swam from the island in the middle of the Ohio River to the bank on the Marietta side!

20) I got drunk on Peach Schnapps once when I was younger and shot macaroni out my nose when I was throwing up! (*My friends thought it was the coolest thing they had ever seen! Haha!)

21) I used to be a real nutcase about keeping my house spic and span...now I don't give a crap!

22) I still love laying on my back and watching the clouds on a warm, sunny day and making "shapes" out of them!

23) My Dad had a series of strokes or something about 5-years ago and has some sort of Dementia-related mental illness that keeps him from enjoying life and his family anymore. I miss him sooo much!

24) I am terrified of needles and have no problem letting a nurse/DR know about it!

25) I love anything water related and plan to (*hopefully) live beside a lake someday...perferably right on the shore where I can sit on my porch and look out over the water all the time!


Tuesday, February 03, 2009



*(snicker, snicker!)

~A Sunny Winter's Afternoon Walk~

Canadian Geese in the fields down by the river
~The Canadian Geese were enjoying the sunshine while they grazed in the fields down by the river.

Seagulls standing on the island just below Devols Dam
~The Seagulls playing a game of "How many can we fit on the tiny island?" below Devols Dam!

Seagulls diving in the water at Devols Dam
~The Seagulls diving into the water at Devols Dam!

Denny and Abby at Devols Dam
~Denny and Abby!

Old Devols Dam Lockhouse
~The old Devols Dam Lockhouse. (*I wanted to get a picture of it before they tear it down soon!)

Interesting craftsmanship at old Devols Dam Lockhouse
~Interesting craftsmanship!!!

Denny and Abby!
~One last photo of Denny and Abby before we headed back home!

"Military Sweetheart Pillows"

~Denny found these in a box while cleaning out his Mom's attic. They are vintage "Military Sweetheart Pillows" that his Dad sent home to his Mom during WW2.
Military Sweetheart pillow that Dean sent Gma Kate during WW2
(*They are actually pillowtops with the pillow part removed.)

Military Sweetheart pillow that Dean sent Gma Kate during WW2
(*I thought this one was really sweet!)

Military Sweetheart pillow that Dean sent Gma Kate during WW2

Military Sweetheart pillow that Dean sent his Mother during WW2
(*This is one that he sent home to his Mother. I really like the graphics on this one!)