Location: United States

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Flooded Marietta~~Sept.2004

~September 18, 2004~

After a couple days of heavy rainfall, the Ohio River began to rise and spill over its banks turning our little town into a flooded mess!
We had to park in Williamstown {WVa} and walk across the bridge to Marietta to get these pictures of Mom and Dad's condo with the flood waters surrounding it. No one had any idea the night before that the water would rise as fast as it did overnight and through the next day!
Mom called us around 7am that morning and told us to hurry in to get them because the water was coming up fast! When we got there it was already across the road in front of their condo and inching its way into the parking lot behind them! We quickly piled Mom and Dad and what little they had time to grab into the truck and headed back home to Devola. The flooded places we had driven through before on the way in were even deeper by now and it was quite a stressful trip home!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Frida Kahlo

"Me and My Parrots" {1941} and "The Broken Column" {1944}

Frida Kahlo {1907-1954} is one of my favorite artists and her work is both beautiful and often disturbing to look at as seen in these two paintings conveying both her calmness and inner turmoil.
It seems to me that so many of the most celebrated great artists work was born of thier great pain and tragedy, inspiring them to convey their most raw emotions onto canvas possibly as a form of release?

Kahlo was born in Mexico City in 1907, the third daughter of Guillermo and Matilda Kahlo. Her father was a photographer of Hungarian Jewish descent, who had been born in Germany; her mother was Spanish and Native American. Her life was to be a long series of physical traumas, and the first of these came early. At the age of six she was stricken with polio, which left her with a limp. In childhood, she was nevertheless a fearless tomboy, and this made Frida her father's favourite. He had advanced ideas about her education, and in 1922 she entered the Preparatoria (National Preparatory School), the most prestigious educational institution in Mexico, which had only just begun to admit girls. She was one of only thirty-five girls out of two thousand students.
"It was there that she met her husband-to-be, Diego Rivera, who had recently returned home from France, and who had been commissioned to paint a mural there. Kahlo was attracted to him, and not knowing quite how to deal with the emotions she felt, expressed them by teasing him, playing practical jokes, and by trying to excite the jealousy of the painter's wife, Lupe Marin.
"In 1925, Kahlo suffered the serious accident which was to set the pattern for much of the rest of her life. She was travelling in a bus which collided with a tramcar, and suffered serious injuries to her right leg and pelvis. The accident made it impossible for her to have children, though it was to be many years before she accepted this. It also meant that she faced a life-long battle against pain. In 1926, during her convalescence, she painted her first self-portrait, the beginning of a long series in which she charted the events of her life and her emotional reactions to them.
"She met Rivera again in 1928, through her friendship with the photographer and revolutionary Tina Modotti. Rivera's marriage had just disintegrated, and the two found that they had much in common, not least from a political point of view, since both were now communist militants. They married in August 1929. Kahlo was later to say: 'I suffered two grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down... The other accident is Diego.'
"The political climate in Mexico was deteriorating for those with left-wing sympathies, thanks to the reactionary Calles government, and the mural-painting program initiated by the great Minister of Education Jose Vasconcelos had ground to a halt. But Rivera's artistic reputation was expanding rapidly in the United States. In 1930, the couple left for San Francisco; then, after a brief return to Mexico, they went to New York in 1931 for the Rivera retrospective organized by the Museum of Modern Art. Kahlo, at this stage, was regarded chiefly as a charming appendage to a famous husband, but the situation was soon to change. In 1932 Rivera was commissioned to paint a major series of murals for the Detroit Museum, and here Kahlo suffered a miscarriage. While recovering, she painted Miscarriage in Detroit, the first of her truly penetrating self-portraits. The style she evolved was entirely unlike that of her husband, being based on Mexican folk art and in particular on the small votive pictures known as retablos, which the pious dedicated in Mexican churches. Rivera's reaction to his wife's work was, however, both perceptive and generous:
Frida began work on a series of masterpieces which had no precedent in the history of art - paintings which exalted the feminine quality of truth, reality, cruelty and suffering. Never before had a woman put such agonized poetry on canvas as Frida did at this time in Detroit."Kahlo, however, pretended not to consider her work important. As her biographer Hayden Herrera notes, 'she preferred to be seen as a beguiling personality rather than as a painter.' From Detroit they went once again to New York, where Rivera had been commissioned to paint a mural in the Rockefeller Center. The commission erupted into an enormous scandal, when the patron ordered the half-completed work destroyed because of the political imagery Rivera insisted on including. But Rivera lingered in the United States, which he loved and Kahlo now loathed. When they finally returned to Mexico in 1935, Rivera embarked on an affair with Kahlo's younger sister Cristina. Though they finally made up their quarrel, this incident marked a turning point in their relationship. Rivera had never been faithful to any woman; Kahlo now embarked on a series of affairs with both men and women which were to continue for the rest of her life. Rivera tolerated her lesbian relationships better than he did the heterosexual ones, which made him violently jealous. One of Kahlo's more serious early love affairs was with the Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky, now being hounded by his triumphant rival Stalin, and who had been offered refuge in Mexico in 1937 on Rivera's initiative. Another visitor to Mexico at this time, one who would gladly have had a love affair with Kahlo but for the fact that she was not attracted to him, was the leading figure of the Surrealist Group, André Breton. Breton arrived in 1938 and was enchanted with Mexico, which he found to be a 'naturally surrealist' country, and with Kahlo's painting. Partly through his initiative, she was offered a show at the fashionable Julian Levy Gallery in New York later in 1938, and Breton himself wrote a rhetorical catalogue preface. The show was a triumph, and about half the paintings were sold. In 1939, Breton suggested a show in Paris, and offered to arrange it. Kahlo, who spoke no French, arrived in France to find that Breton had not even bothered to get her work out of customs.
"The enterprise was finally rescued by Marcel Duchamp, and the show opened about six weeks late. It was not a financial success, but the reviews were good, and the Louvre bought a picture for the Jeu de Paume. Kahlo also won praise from Kandinsky and Picasso. She had, however, conceived a violent dislike for what she called 'this bunch of coocoo lunatic sons of bitches of surrealists.' She did not renounce Surrealism immediately. in January 1940, for example, she was a participant (with Rivera) in the International Exhibition of Surrealism held in Mexico City. Later, she was to be vehement in her denials that she had ever been a true Surrealist. 'They thought I was a Surrealist,' she said, 'but I wasn't. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.'
"Early in 1940, for motives which are still somewhat mysterious, Kahlo and Rivera divorced, though they continued to make public appearances together. In May, after the first attempt on Trotsky's life, led by the painter Siqueiros, Rivera thought it prudent to leave for San Francisco. After the second, and successful attempt, Kahlo, who had been a friend of Trotsky's assassin, was questioned by the police. She decided to leave Mexico for a while, and in September she joined her ex-husband. Less than two months later, while they were still in the United States, they remarried. One reason seems to have been Rivera's recognition that Kahlo's health would inexorably deteriorate, and that she needed someone to look after her.
"Her health, never at any time robust, grew visibly worse from about 1944 onwards, and Kahlo underwent the first many operations on her spine and her crippled foot. Authorities on her life and work have questioned whether all these operations were really necessary, or whether they were in fact a way of holding Rivera's attention in the face of his numerous affairs with other women. In Kahlo's case, her physical and psychological sufferings were always linked. in early 1950, her physical state reached a crisis, and she had to go into hospital in Mexico City, where she remained for a year.
"During the period after her remarriage, her artistic reputation continued to grow, though at first more rapidly in the United States than in Mexico itself. she was included in prestigious group shows in the Museum of Modern Art, the Boston Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In 1946, however, she received a Mexican government fellowship, and in the same year an official prize on the occasion of the Annual National Exhibition. She also took up teaching at the new experimental art school 'La Esmeralda', and, despite her unconventional methods, proved an inspiration to her students. After her return home from hospital, Kahlo became an increasingly fervent and impassioned Communist. Rivera had been expelled from the Party, which was reluctant to receive him back, both because of his links with the Mexican government of the day, and because of his association with Trotsky. Kahlo boasted: 'I was a member of the Party before I met Diego and I think I am a better Communist than he is or ever will be.'
"While the 1940s had seen her produce some of her finest work, her paintings now became more clumsy and chaotic, thanks to the joint effects of pain, drugs and drink. Despite this, in 1954 she was offered her first solo show in Mexico itself - which was to be the only such show held in her own lifetime. It took place at the fashionable Galeria de Arte Contemporaneo in the Zona Rosa of Mexico City. At first it seemed that Kahlo would be too ill to attend, but she sent her richly decorated fourposter bed ahead of her, arrived by ambulance, and was carried into the gallery on a stretcher. The private view was a triumphal occasion.
"In the same year, Kahlo, threatened by gangrene, had her right leg amputated below the knee. It was a tremendous blow to someone who had invested so much in the elaboration of her own self image. She learned to walk again with an artificial limb, and even (briefly and with the help of pain-killing drugs) danced at celebrations with friends. But the end was close. In July 1954, she made her last public appearance, when she participated in a Communist demonstration against the overthrow of the left-wing Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz. Soon afterwards, she died in her sleep, apparently as the result of an embolism, though there was a suspicion among those close to her that she had found a way to commit suicide.
Her last diary entry read: 'I hope the end is joyful - and I hope never to come back - Frida.'"
{Text from Edward Lucie-Smith, "Lives of the Great 20th-Century Artists" }

Mourners gathered on July 13, 1954 to watch the cremation of the world's greatest and most shocking painter. Soon to be an international icon, Frida Kahlo knew how to give her fans one last frightening goodbye. As the cries of her admirers filled the room, the sudden blast of heat from the open incinerator doors blew her body bolt upright. Her hair, now on fire from the flames, blazed around her head like a halo. Frida's lips appeared to break into a seductive grin just as the doors closed shut.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Valentine's Day Flowers For Me!

These are the lovely Valentine's Day flowers that Denny surprised me with! I have always loved the Springtime bouquets better than a few roses and have a wonderful time arranging them all in a vase! {That's my favorite part!}

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Senior Snowball Dance ~Winter 2006~

~Misty and her good friend Rachel before heading off to their Senior Snowball Dance at the High School! Such beautiful girls!!!~

Valentine's Day ~2006~

~Happy Valentine's Day!
The day seems to have caught up with me and I did not get all the homemade Valentine's crafted that I wanted to give to family and friends! {insert sad face} I did, however, get Denny's, Misty's and my parents made so I guess that will have to do.

I was caught up this morning in remembering something from when I was real little and how much fun it was to make those decorated shoe boxes in school to hold all our Valentine's in! Sometimes we covered them in construction paper, glitter, lace doilies and sometimes we made little "mailboxes" out of them, complete with a flag and slot to put the Valentine's in!
I wonder if kids still do that in school or if that is something else that has long since been disgaurded as a 'silly waste of time'?

It seems funny to me now how exciting it was to open up that shoe box and see all the little Valentine's inside from every kid in class including the teacher, but I also remember how happy it made me at the time and it would be amazing to still feel that way as we get older!

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Moonville Tunnel adventure

~These pictures were taken in August "2004" on one of our many adventures which are always interesting and FUN!
Stephen, Misty, Denny and I went in search of The Moonville Tunnel which is just outside of Athens, OH in Vinton County and after driving around out in the "boonies", finally found it!
The town of "Moonville" was born when the Marietta and Cincinnati railroad was built through the coal- and iron-rich woods of southeastern Ohio in 1856. At its peak in the 1870s, the town boasted a population of more than 100--almost exclusively miners and their families. There was a row of houses along the railroad tracks, a sawmill just down Raccoon Creek, a general store, and a saloon. In its early days the residents of Moonville worked in the Hope Furnace nearby {top photo shows Misty and I standing in front of what remains of Hope Furnace}, but later on they turned almost exclusively to mining coal underground. The coal was then used in the many iron furnaces in the vicinity, usually the one at Hope, where weapons and artillery for the Union Army were made during the Civil War.
The tunnel is said to be haunted by a man who was decapitated by the train after he tried to flag down the train at night with a lattern to warn the conductor that the town had a major outbreak of small pox. Although we saw no ghosts during our little adventure that day, there have been many documented sightings and this fact makes it alittle more eerie when wandering through the dark tunnel.
The second photo is Misty trying to decide the best way to cross the creek! The trestle bridge had been removed sometime during the late 1970's so the only way to get to the tunnel was to cross the creek which is about 2-3 foot deep and almost always cold from the mountain springs that empty into it.
We were all a bit damp and cold on the way back but looking forward to eating at our favorite stop, the SONIC Drive-In located in Nelsonville, OH! After a long day of hiking through the woods we were all starved and ordered a bunch of food which we sat in the truck and ate then proceeded to head home, stuffed "to the gills" and quite content!

Moon Halo

Around 8pm tonight {Thursday}, Denny came in and told me to get on my coat and come outside to see 'something'....so I did.
It was very cold and there was this huge circle around the moon! I have seen quite a few "moon halos" before, but this one was really big, clear and almost irredescent on the edges! {We called it a "moon rainbow"!!} It was beautiful!!!

In folklore, it is said that when there is a halo around the moon that bad weather is surely approaching and if you count the number of stars inside the halo, then that is how many days until the bad weather begins.
Well, there is a major snowstorm predicted for late Saturday night so we'll see if this theory is correct!

Monday, February 06, 2006

My "Babies"!

~These are my "babies", pets and loyal companions who, on more than one occasion, have helped me through a lonely day just by being "themselves" or making me laugh at something stupid!

The top left picture is "SPIKEY", our 10-year old Cockatiel who we got as a young, hand-raised baby from a petshop in the Mall. He is mainly Misty's bird even though I am the one to feed, water and clean his cage! He is so in love with her that he will go into a "daze" whenever she is close by or holds him, focusing all his attention on her! "Spikey" also makes a wonderful alarm system/doorbell as his cage hangs by the front window where he can see cars pull into the driveway, people walking by or any animal {cats!!} that happens to wander into the yard. He will scream his head off until they are gone or if it is Misty, comes inside where he begins to whistle and flirt with her until she pays him some attention! He also does some really amazing immitations of my squeeky kitchen cabinets, water dripping into the sink, and our favorite...the "zipping" sound he hears each morning as Denny and Misty put on their coats to head out the door!

The big, green bird to the right is "SAMMY", my 31-year old Amazon Parrot that I bought from a petshop in Parkersburg {WVA} around 1983. There is some speculation that he might have been a "wild caught" bird brought into the country illegally since he has no identification band on his leg and also the people who owned the shop were known to often bring birds back from their travels abroad in S. America. I am also unsure of his correct age as I was told at the time he was about 7-years old and had been bought by a fellow who did oil well rig work and could no longer care for him so he was sold back to the petshop.
After Misty was born in 1987, Sammy became quite jealous and would squawk and scream nonstop whenever she would cry or he would see me holding her. At that time we were living in a small appartment on Scammel Street in Marietta and with a colicy baby, it soon became too much for this "new mothers" already frazzled nerves, so Sam went to live with my parents who were more than happy to have him since we all share a love for birds...parrots especially!
Sammy lived with my parents for 15-years, traveling to Florida with them every Fall to spend the Winter months there and then coming home in the Spring to Marietta. He was truely a "snowbird" just like my parents!

I had always wanted to take him back but everytime I mentioned it, my Dad would get real defensive and upset at the thought of loosing his little buddy, Sam, so I would eventually give up but always with the hope of Sam returning to me someday.
In October of 2002, as my parents were getting ready to head to Florida for the Winter, it was decided that it was just too much for them to haul Sam back and forth with them anymore since they both were getting up in age and could no longer care for him as they had. I agreed to keep him for them but with the exception that IF we became good friends again, that Sam would stay with me permanently! After several months of coaxing, sweet talking, singing to him, giving him special treats and quite a few bloody fingers, Sammy and I bonded again and have been best friends every since!

He still is a bit jealous of poor Misty but has warmed up to Denny quite nicely! It is in the Amazon's nature to bond to one person and to become overly obsessive of them whenever they feel their space {or mate} is being invaded. They, like many of the larger parrots, also have the brain capacity of a 4-5 year old human child and are quite intelligent creatures!

My favorite time spent with Sammy is in the evenings when we cuddle up on the couch together to watch some TV and spend some quality preening time together! He really enjoys having his head scratched and leg feathers preened, then preening my eyebrows and eyelashes with the precision of a fine surgeon! That is what bonded parrots do to each other in the wild and it is a gesture of love and companionship!

The third and last picture is of our 7-year old English Springer Spaniel named "ABBY"....."Abigail Zoe Sacred Hart" to be exact!!! We have had her since she was a pup and she has been the most loyal and loving dog we have ever owned!
She is fearlessly protective of us {mainly me} but is also extremely gentle with strangers as long as she senses everything is OK. On several occasions she has literally almost busted down her dog gate in the kitchen upon hearing me scream at something stupid like a spider crawling up the wall in the next room!
I have always "talked" to her like she was another person during our days together when we are home alone so I think this is one reason why she seems to understand most anything you say to her. She really is a smart dog and such a special friend to us all!

Party Animal!!

I found this print doing a search of the words "Party Animal" and thought it most fitting for the way I felt last night when we went bar-hopping with Misty, Stephen, Rachel, and everyone else we hung out with during the course of the evening! Great picture!!

We started out at The Brewery, sat and listened to the band, had a few drinks and great food! I was surprised when one of Misty's teachers brought me over a "Birthday shot" of whiskey!!! I ended up taking a sip and then giving it to Denny to drink...didn't want to be rude, but I just don't handle whiskey too well and am {thankfully} smart enough to realize that!

Later on, we were pursuaded to go to the Locker Room which I actually wanted to check out since Misty has been going there a few times on the weekends to dance. It is definately NOT a place for the "older crowd" but I did enjoy the music so we made the best of it! I drank and danced and pretty much made an ass of myself but oh well!

After we got home, I had been reflecting and come to the realization that going out like that is NOT something I would want to do every weekend...or every other weekend for that matter! I did enjoy The Brewery and think it would be awesome to go there with some friends now and then to have dinner, some drinks and chat, but "mama just can't get her groove on like she used to" and I see that now. {eh, sad but true!}

I guess I still have some "work" to do since I spent most of Friday night fretting because we never do anything "fun" which was a total waste of time because we DO have fun quite often. I guess I just forget maybe?

So Saturday night was a real turning point for me although I'm sure no one really noticed but me and that is fine because only I can be the one to make the changes. Sometimes we all need a night like that to remind us and to keep ourselves "in check" as we get older.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, today is my Birthday and I turned 43 so I found this picture of a birthday cake with lots and lots of candles which I thought most fitting! {ugg.}

Seems as I get older I find myself wishing birthdays were just like when we were kids and actually had something interesting to look forward to! The older we get our birthdays seem to become just another day and actually an annoyance of sorts. Blah.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

"The Rest Is Still Unwritten...."

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten.
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten....
*Taken from the song, "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield