Location: United States

Monday, February 06, 2006

Party Animal!!

I found this print doing a search of the words "Party Animal" and thought it most fitting for the way I felt last night when we went bar-hopping with Misty, Stephen, Rachel, and everyone else we hung out with during the course of the evening! Great picture!!

We started out at The Brewery, sat and listened to the band, had a few drinks and great food! I was surprised when one of Misty's teachers brought me over a "Birthday shot" of whiskey!!! I ended up taking a sip and then giving it to Denny to drink...didn't want to be rude, but I just don't handle whiskey too well and am {thankfully} smart enough to realize that!

Later on, we were pursuaded to go to the Locker Room which I actually wanted to check out since Misty has been going there a few times on the weekends to dance. It is definately NOT a place for the "older crowd" but I did enjoy the music so we made the best of it! I drank and danced and pretty much made an ass of myself but oh well!

After we got home, I had been reflecting and come to the realization that going out like that is NOT something I would want to do every weekend...or every other weekend for that matter! I did enjoy The Brewery and think it would be awesome to go there with some friends now and then to have dinner, some drinks and chat, but "mama just can't get her groove on like she used to" and I see that now. {eh, sad but true!}

I guess I still have some "work" to do since I spent most of Friday night fretting because we never do anything "fun" which was a total waste of time because we DO have fun quite often. I guess I just forget maybe?

So Saturday night was a real turning point for me although I'm sure no one really noticed but me and that is fine because only I can be the one to make the changes. Sometimes we all need a night like that to remind us and to keep ourselves "in check" as we get older.