Location: United States

Monday, March 27, 2006

Warren Fairweather Relays~~March 25, 2006

~Misty's {LAST} First Track meet was held Saturday, March 25 {2006} at the Warren Fairweather Relays.
I can't seem to get my pictures to download in the order I wanted, but the FIRST one is Misty smiling "The Winning Smile" after she found out her shuttle team beat the school record! The SECOND is Misty jumping the hurdle just ahead of the Warren girl beside her! After she got over that one, Misty pulled ahead and beat all of them!! {YaY!!} The THIRD one is Misty and her hurdle team practicing before their shuttle relay. {GO MISTY!!!} And the BOTTOM photo is Misty and I joking around before she went on the field to stretch...I am always making such goofy faces when I get my picture taken! {Haha!}

~Here is a quote from The Marietta Times covering the event:

"The highlight of the day for Marietta’s girls team was in the shuttle hurdle relay in which the team of Misty Hart, Laken Adams, Erin Casey and Sophie Wagner set a school record with a time of 1:10.70.
“Laken was filling in for Brandi Robinson at the last minute,” Marietta girls coach Mollie Schramm said. “It was a pleasant surprise because it was below the goal they had set for themselves.”
Each leg was under 18 seconds with Wagner’s being just over 15 seconds, Schramm said.Marietta’s previous school record in the 100-meter shuttle hurdle relay was 1:10.96, set in 2002 by Jacquelane Wirtz, Catlin Whiting, Carrie Hendershot and Kelci Terry."

Yayyy for breaking school records and Yayy for wonderful {LAST} FIRST Track meets!! I hope this one sets the tone for all the rest, but all in all, I think it should prove to be a very rewarding and FUN Track season!!