Location: United States

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Sammy" and "Feather"

sammy painting 2

*This is a painting I made entitled "Sammy" right before he started getting sick.

"Feather" {2008}

*I started this one, entitled "Feather", while he was staying at the avian vet in Columbus when I was missing him so much. I finally finished it the other night and was quite pleased with the feeling I was trying to convey.

Sammy's Urn

Sammy's urn

~About 2-weeks ago I finally got the call from the vet to go pick up Sammy's ashes in the small urn I had picked out for him. I wasn't sure how I would react to walking back in that building after what had taken place there the night we took Sam to be put down, but I did surprisingly well!

~I was not happy with the little black urn and so I painted it in shades of green {almost like a 'weathered copper' look} with two feathers crossed. I also put a small photo of Sammy in the space provided at the top.

~Here is the {almost} finished urn. I still want to write Sammy's name, birth and death date on the back and then varnish the whole thing so that it stays protected.

After I painted Sammy's urn

~And a closer view of the top with his photo....

After I painted Sammy's urn

~I am comforted having him back home with me even though I still miss him so very much! I still say "Goodnight Sambo" to his little urn every night before I turn out the light by where his cage used to sit and can almost hear his feathers ruffle as he would settle in for sleep.

"Birds of a feather...Flock together!"

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Rest In Peace My Sweet Boy....

RIP Sammy
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~Sammy's suffering is finally over. I had to take him to the vet to be put down on Sunday night, February 24th at 9pm.

It was heartbreaking but I know I made the right choice for him.

This has been a long and very sad week but with each day I find myself beginning to feel a little better and the burden being lifted. I am very grateful for that because I felt my grief would consume me.
I still cannot find much inspiration in doing the things I used to enjoy but I know that will come back in time too.

Sammy was a "once in a lifetime kind of bird" and the bond we had was very strong! I could look in his eyes and know exactly what he was thinking and I am sure he could do the same with me.
There is just so much that I will miss because he was such a big part of my life...the nightly preening sessions and our morning coffee together in bed...the rustling of feathers...sharing our supper with him everynight...the way he would waddle across the floor to my outstretched hand...his feathers ruffled against my face when we would catch an afternoon nap together...

~Rest in peace my sweet Sammy boy...You will never be forgotten!

~"As long as I can I will look at this world for both of us.
As long as I can I will laugh with the birds, I will sing with the flowers,
I will pray to the stars, for both of us."~