Sammy's Urn
~About 2-weeks ago I finally got the call from the vet to go pick up Sammy's ashes in the small urn I had picked out for him. I wasn't sure how I would react to walking back in that building after what had taken place there the night we took Sam to be put down, but I did surprisingly well!
~I was not happy with the little black urn and so I painted it in shades of green {almost like a 'weathered copper' look} with two feathers crossed. I also put a small photo of Sammy in the space provided at the top.
~Here is the {almost} finished urn. I still want to write Sammy's name, birth and death date on the back and then varnish the whole thing so that it stays protected.
~And a closer view of the top with his photo....
~I am comforted having him back home with me even though I still miss him so very much! I still say "Goodnight Sambo" to his little urn every night before I turn out the light by where his cage used to sit and can almost hear his feathers ruffle as he would settle in for sleep.
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