Location: United States

Thursday, January 29, 2009

~Video of My Sweet Sammy-Bird!~


~I found this video of Sammy I had saved on another site and must have watched it about 50-times!

As it gets closer to February and the day I had him put down, I find myself thinking of him more and more and going through alot of the emotions I thought had subsided long ago.

I thought getting another Amazon would make everything "OK" but will be the first to admit I was wrong and Mikko can never replace the bond Sammy and I had.

I just miss him sooo much and especially putting my face into his fluffed up feathers and loving on him! It is a saddness that I have never felt before and hard to describe in know that something I held that dear could be taken from me so quickly.
~Rest In Peace My Sweet Sammy~